Are you struggling to lose weight in menopause?

Unsure what to eat, so you can thrive in your 40s and 50s?

Then you’re in the right place!

As women in our 40s and 50s, feeling good in our bodies and confident in our skin can feel impossible some days. We’re here to change that.

It’s like the game of life is the same, but the rules now in menopause are different. Can you relate?

Maybe you can relate to our clients… You dread putting on “real clothes” because of the unwanted weight gain and stubborn belly fat, and swear it literally showed up overnight, opting for stretchy pants and loose-fitting tops once again. Not the best choice for your confidence, but at least it’s comfortable and hides your body.

You contemplate making and eating breakfast before your morning workout, but you’re just not hungry, or don’t know what to eat, or feel like you don’t have enough time or energy today amidst taking care of everything/everyone else. You’ll do “better” tomorrow.

You finally find your appetite around lunch time, but the mental fatigue, brain fog, and/or stress and anxiety of the day makes it difficult to stick to your nutrition goals and you opt for less nutritious foods because they’re quick and easy.

Your intense food cravings hit in the afternoon again, or maybe right before bed like they typically do, and you start another round of “beating yourself up” and negative self-talk for not having enough “willpower”. You’re tempted to start another diet or eliminate a food group like carbs, or heck! why not try this intermittent fasting thing, because you don’t know what else to do to lose weight and feel better.

Or maybe you’re distracted by your demanding career or your aging parents or your lab work that finally came back and is trending in the wrong direction, and now you’re worried about your health and longevity. “Am I destined for diabetes? Osteoporosis?” “Will I need to be on medication for the rest of my life?”. You skipped the last preventative health check-up and quickly get overwhelmed about things like decreasing hormones, inflammation, brittle bones, and heart disease.

Most women in their 40s and 50s don’t realize they’re making this mistake…

Most women in midlife think they can just do what they used to do in their 20s and 30s to get results and lose weight (typically eat less, exercise more, avoid certain foods/food groups).


  • Before you knew better.

  • Before your hormones went on strike.

  • Before when you had more time and energy to experiment with alternative solutions.


We assure you, and the science is here to back this up…

Without targeting your unique nutrition needs as a woman in midlife, you’ll stay stuck and wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

The unfortunate truth for women as we age into our 40s, 50s, and beyond…

Research shows that we’re at a higher risk for:

  • Weight gain (1.5+ pounds gained each year!)

  • Increased visceral (belly) fat

  • Decreased muscle mass

  • Slower metabolism

  • More nutrient deficiencies

  • Diabetes and insulin resistance

  • Greater physical and mental stress

  • More anxiety and depression

  • Less sleep each night

  • More reported burn out

  • Lower life satisfaction (wha?! 🤯)

You need a simple solution.

You need a practical and proven strategy for weight loss in menopause.

Completely changed my relationship to food

“I lost 17 lbs. in 10 weeks and have completely changed my relationship with food” -Julie

Imagine what your life would look like and how you would feel in your body if you had a simple solution in place…

Picture this, you finally crack the code and lose weight. How capable and accomplished would you feel? Maybe you would be inspired to finally book that special trip with your friends to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain!

What would it feel like to walk into your closet and pick out anything you want because literally everything fits and you feel confident in anything you wear? No more hiding in your clothes! It’s time to treat yourself to that strappy summer dress you’ve been eyeing or that tailored leather jacket!

How freeing would it be to not think about food all the time and be in control of your food cravings once and for all? You get to thoroughly enjoy the food you eat when you’re hungry and then get back to living your life.

What would it feel like to look at pictures of yourself and love what you see? Think of all the precious memories you’ll have to look back on in your family photo album and you’re actually in all of them!

What would it feel like to open your fridge and know confidently that it’s stocked with metabolism-boosting food and bonus! sets you up for a long, healthy life at the same time? Think of all that extra brain-space you’d have not trying to figure out what the right foods are anymore.

How incredible would it feel to know that the food you’re eating every day is lowering your risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, brittle bones, inflammation, and more? But without sacrificing flavor or any of your favorite foods!

By the end of this program you can…

  • Lose weight and stubborn belly fat

  • Speed up your metabolism

  • Feel more confident in your skin (and clothes!)

  • Ditch the intense food cravings

  • Have a crystal-clear path forward for what you need to be eating as a healthy midlife woman

  • Lower your long-term health risks

Enrollment is currently closed.

Menopause Nutrition Blueprint

A 6-Week Nutrition Program for Weight Loss in Menopause

Here’s what’s possible for you in just 6 weeks:

➠ Lose weight without dieting or spending hours at the gym

➠ Feel more confident in your skin and clothes

➠ Boost your metabolism

➠ Know confidently what you need to eat without cutting out your favorite foods

➠ Ditch those intense food cravings and stop thinking about food all the time

➠ Literally change your health trajectory… and dare we say, life?!

Tailored to your needs…

“I loved this program. I like that it is built in a way that you can tailor to your needs. I really appreciated the recipes and small actionable goal setting. The recipes and idea of adding ritual into my nourishment helped me deepen my love of cooking and encouraged a healthier relationship with food.” -Heather

Don’t have the brain-space for a complicated nutrition plan?

We don’t either.

Losing weight and keeping it off doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Simple and realistic is our middle name! Whether it’s our 3-Week Weight Loss Meal Plan + Done-For-You Grocery Lists or our Weight Loss Recipe Library, we’ve got you covered… Each step of the way!

Truly incredible…

“I invested in this program for weight loss, but what’s truly incredible is their meal plan and recipe library. It not only helped me lose weight, but also melted away the stress of meal prep and planning.” -Jenn

🎉 The good news…

  • Your new framework for losing weight in menopause is only 6-weeks away! Joining our program will fast track your success.

  • Transforming your current eating habits simply and sustainably is possible—Because the last thing you want to do is start another diet or deprive yourself of the food you love.

  • You don’t have to reinvent the wheel or do this alone. Slogging through all the science and results-driven recs is time-consuming, which is why working with credentialed practitioners, like us, that know where to find reliable nutrition data and can simplify it all for you, is key to getting reliable results.

  • We’ve been there and know exactly how you feel. We made the same mistakes without even realizing it and then figured out what actually works… Especially for busy, midlife women with very little time!

  • There’s an easier and more straightforward way to lose weight, feel better in your body, and set yourself up for long term health… and we’ll show you exactly how!

Really simple…

“This is actually really simple and doesn’t even feel hard.” -Kim

Our 6-week proven process will get you the results you’re looking for.

Significant lifestyle changes…

“I’ve made some significant lifestyle changes… and generally taking better care of myself. The biggest changes for me have been my attitude toward my personal health. You both were absolutely lovely to work with and such a positive influence.” -Mary

Our 4-Step Proven Process

Practical lifestyle and nutritional changes…

“[They] taught me practical lifestyle and nutritional changes that I will carry with me the rest of my life. They’re incredibly talented, passionate, and enthusiastic. I can’t recommend this program enough!” -Sarah

The fact that you've made it this far means you have a commitment to lose weight and set yourself up for a long, happy life.

Are you ready to get started?

Why we created this for you…

When we read the midlife women’s health stats above, we were blown away! Women have enough on their plates—parenting, tending to our careers, relationships, marriage, aging parents, maintaining self-care, and everything in between!

The thought of adding more obstacles and challenges just merely by aging into our 40s, 50s, and beyond, made us cringe.

We’re now at a higher risk for… Unwanted weight gain and belly fat, muscle loss, diabetes and insulin resistance, heart disease, bone loss, less sleep, more stress, less life satisfaction (wha?!), and the list goes on… And that’s all before we even get to dinner!

ENOUGH we thought. So, we set out to create the menopause nutrition program that we wish we had access to when we needed it the most. It’s called Menopause Nutrition Blueprint.

We’re Carly and Carmen

We’re a Dietitian and Nutritionist team, health coaches, moms, and friends on a mission to support busy women in midlife, just like us, lose weight in menopause and keep it off! without restrictive dieting or spending hours at the gym.

Why? Because we think women are incredible and incredibly under-supported ESPECIALLY in menopause, and we deserve to feel good in our bodies and minds every day, and as we age into our 40s, 50s, and beyond. We want YOU to thrive and not just survive on your health journey, and the truth is, as we get older and life gets more complicated, this gets harder to do.

More from our clients…

“You guys are SO good with people and you know your stuff!” -MaryBeth

“Carmen's and Carly’s approach to the whole person was exactly what I needed.”-Teasha

“Carly’s personality is such a joy! Her warmth and caring are immediately noticeable and sincere. She’s your biggest supporter and cheering section. Thanks for changing my life, Carly!!!” -Mary